About The Circumcision Letters

Welcome to The Circumcision Letters, a site where you can write open letters regarding your personal experience with circumcision.

Before we get any further, we should point out that this site is not only against all non-consensual circumcision, but is also in favour of it being made illegal. So, if you want to post pro-circumcision propaganda, this is NOT the site for you!

Who is it for, then?

Well, it’s for:

    • People who were circumcised as children (without their full informed consent) and who are now angry or upset that it was done to them.
    • People who were circumcised as children (without their full informed consent) and who wish to forgive either those who were involved in the decision to circumcise them or those who performed the operation.
    • People who chose to be circumcised once they reached the age of legal consent and who now regret that they made that choice.
    • People who chose to be circumcised once they reached the age of legal consent and who are angry that they were misled or lied to about the procedure, benefits, and risks.
    • Parents who regret allowing their children to be circumcised.
    • One parent who is angry that the other parent insisted that their child (ren) be circumcised.
    • Intact men who sometimes feel like freaks because of the normalization of the circumcised penis. Women have made fun of them, accused them of having a disgusting penis, and refused intimacy with them for that reason alone.
    • Women whose sexual pleasure has been adversely affected by circumcision or who have otherwise been impacted by the circumcision industry.
    • Parents who are angry at the medical professionals who misled them or lied to them about circumcision, and the risks inherent in this surgery.
    • Medical professionals who previously recommended or performed circumcision and who now regret those actions.

The letters will typically be written to parents, children, or medical professionals.

It is our hope that the writing and sharing of these letters will provide some measure of emotional relief for those who write them.  We feel that providing a space for people to express anger, regret, or even forgiveness, will help them on their journey toward facing and constructively contributing to a resolution of the issue of genital mutilation.  Furthermore, by allowing the public to access this site and read the letters written, it is our hope to broaden the awareness of the repercussions of circumcision.

As stated above, this site will not publish any letters that are pro-circumcision. Any such letters will either be appropriately changed by the site’s editors, or deleted. We also reserve the right to delete the account of anyone who continues to post pro-circumcision content.

Please note that The Circumcision Letters is a platform, not a publisher. This means that the writers are responsible for what they publish, not the site’s owners or editors. The implications of this include the fact that you need to be careful not to publish libelous material should you write about anyone who may be personally identifiable because of your letter.

For that reason, we strongly recommend not naming names in your letters – either your own or the person you’re writing to. The site editors, when reviewing draft letters, may change your letter should we find names that would be better replaced by some generic term, such as “child”, “father” or “doctor”, or maybe only a first name rather than a full name.

Finally, we will not tolerate any homophobic, racist, sexist, or transphobic slurs, antisemitic, or anything that is otherwise bigoted, threats, or encouraging anyone to harm anyone else.

With that said, if you wish to post a letter, go to the Write A Letter page, complete the form (including your letter), and send it to us.